Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Managing and Leading change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Managing and Leading change - Essay Example Changes in an organization may lead to development of new rules and methods of working. In order to implement change within an organization, managers may be required to impart training so that employees can easily adapt with the factors of the external environment. Managing change is highly systematic process and requires specific on behalf of the management and the employees (Jones, 2010). Business environment is highly fast paced and for long term survival it becomes necessary that organizations adhere to changes. Technology is one of the strongest aspects that have induced changes in the way organizations operate. Technological innovations have caused organizations to utilize resource in new and innovate ways (Pettigrew, Woodman and Cameron, 2001). Adapting to technological changes increases efficiency as well as provides scope for the management to operate in new ways. Organizations are also required to change when the requirements of customers change (Fernandez and Rainey, 2006). Evolution induces changes in the needs of consumers. Changes in consumer needs create demand for new products and services. Organizations are required to perceive such developments and change so as to be able to meet the newly created demand (Tsoukas and Chia, 2002). The current case study aims to understand the issues which Capitol Academy is faced with in respect of change management. In order to increase operational efficiency and earn more revenue, Capitol Academy had adopted certain changes. However, due to lack of planning and inadequate resource allocation, the company’s operations were turned upside down causing a number of management issues. The organization was also observed to concentrate more upon the development of its professional programs, ignoring other departments where change management was not implemented properly. The mismanagement has also

Sunday, October 27, 2019

What are the causes and effects of unemployment

What are the causes and effects of unemployment Unemployment  occurs when a person is able and willing to work but currently without  work.  The prevalence of unemployment is usually measured using the unemployment rate, which is defined as the percentage of those in the labour force  who are unemployed. The unemployment rate is also used in  economic  studies and economic  indices  such as the  United States  Conference Boards  Index of Leading Indicators  as a measure of the state of  macroeconomics. The causes of unemployment are disputed.  Keynesian economics  emphasizes unemployment resulting from insufficient effective demand  for goods and services in the economy (cyclical unemployment). Others point to structural problems and inefficiencies inherent in labour markets;  structural unemployment  involves mismatches between demand and supply of laborers with the necessary skill set, sometimes induced by  technologies  or  globalisation.  Classical  orneo classical economics  tends to reject these explanations, and focuses more on rigidities imposed on the labor market from the outside, such as unionization, minimum wage laws, taxes, and other regulations that may discourage the hiring of workers (classical unemployment). Yet others see unemployment as largely due to voluntary choices by the unemployed and the time it takes to find a new job (frictional unemployment).  Behavioral economics  highlights phenomena such as  sticky wages  and  efficie ncy wages  which may lead to unemployment. There is also disagreement on how exactly to measure unemployment. Different countries experience different levels of unemployment; traditionally, the  United States  tends to experience lower unemployment levels than countries in the  European Union,[2]  although there is some variation there, with countries like the  UK  and  Denmark  outperforming  Italy  and France  and it also changes over time (e.g. the  Great Depression) throughout  economic cycles. Types of unemployment Economists  distinguish between various  types of unemployment, including  cyclical unemployment,  frictional unemployment,  structural unemployment  and  classical unemployment. Some additional types of unemployment that are occasionally mentioned are seasonal unemployment, hardcore unemployment, and hidden unemployment. Real-world unemployment may combine different types. The magnitude of each of these is difficult to measure, partly because they overlap. Though there have been several definitions of  voluntary  and  involuntary  unemployment in the economics literature, a simple distinction is often applied. Voluntary unemployment is attributed to the individuals decisions, whereas involuntary unemployment exists because of the socio-economic environment (including the market structure, government intervention, and the level of aggregate demand) in which individuals operate. In these terms, much or most of  frictional unemployment  is voluntary, since it reflects individual search behaviour. On the other hand, cyclical unemployment, structural unemployment, and classical unemployment are largely involuntary in nature. However, the existence of structural unemployment may reflect choices made by the unemployed in the past, while classical (natural) unemployment may result from the legislative and economic choices made by labour unions and/or political parties. So in practice, the distinction between voluntary and involuntary unemployment is hard to draw. The clearest cases of involuntary unemployment are those where there are fewer job vacancies than unemployed workers even when wages are allowed to adjust, so that even if all vacancies were to be filled, there would be unemployed workers. This is the case of cyclical unemployment, for which macroeconomic forces lead to microeconomic unemployment. Frictional unemployment Frictional unemployment  is the time period between jobs when a worker moves from one job to another. Frictional unemployment is an example of a productive part of the  economy, increasing both the workers long term  welfare  and  economic efficiency, and is also a type of  voluntary unemployment. Frictional unemployment is always present in an economy, so the level of involuntary unemployment is properly the unemployment rate minus the rate of frictional unemployment, which means that increases or decreases in unemployment are normally under-represented in the simple statistics. Classical unemployment Classical or real-wage unemployment occurs when real wages for a job are set above the market-clearing level, causing the number of job-seekers to exceed the number of vacancies. Libertarian economists like  F.A. Hayek  argued that unemployment increases the more the government intervenes into the economy to try to improve the conditions of those with jobs. For example,  minimum wage  laws raise the cost of labourers with few skills to above the market equilibrium, resulting in people who wish to work at the going rate but cannot as wage enforced is greater than their value as workers becoming unemployed.  They believed that laws restricting layoffs made businesses less likely to hire in the first place, as hiring becomes more risky, leaving many young people unemployed and unable to find work. Some, such as  Murray Rothbard,  suggest that even social taboos can prevent wages from falling to the market clearing level. Some economists theorize that this type of unemployment can be reduced by increasing the flexibility of wages (e.g., abolishing minimum wages or employee protection), to make the labor market more like a financial market Cyclical or Keynesian unemployment Cyclical or  Keynesian  unemployment, also known as deficient-demand unemployment, occurs when there is not enough aggregate demand in the economy. It gets its name because it varies with the  business cycle, though it can also be persistent, as during the  Great Depression  of the 1930s. Cyclical unemployment is caused by a  business cycle  recession, and wages not falling to meet the equilibrium level. Cyclical unemployment rises during economic downturns and falls when the economy improves. Keynesians argue that this type of unemployment exists due to inadequate effective  aggregate demand. Demand for most goods and services falls, less production is needed and consequently fewer workers are needed, wages do not fall to meet the equilibrium level, and mass unemployment results. Some consider this type of unemployment one type of frictional unemployment in which factors causing the friction are partially caused by some cyclical variables. For example, a surprise decrease in the money supply may shock participants in society. With cyclical unemployment, the number of unemployed workers exceeds the number of job vacancies, so that if even all open jobs were filled, some workers would remain unemployed. This kind of unemployment coincides with unused industrial capacity (unemployed capital goods).  Keynesian  economists see it as possibly being solved by government  deficit spending or by expansionary  monetary policy, which aims to increase non-governmental spending by lowering  interest rates. In contrast,  Austrian economists  argue that government spending and policies are the root cause of economic cycles and cyclical unemployment and should be reformed or removed. Classical economics  rejects the conception of cyclical unemployment, seeing the attainment of full employment of resources and potential output as the normal state of affairs. Structural unemployment Structural unemployment  occurs when a labor market is unable to provide jobs for everyone who wants one because there is a mismatch between the skills of the unemployed workers and the skills needed for the available jobs.[10] Structural unemployment is hard to separate empirically from frictional unemployment, except to say that it lasts longer. As with frictional unemployment, simple demand-side stimulus will not work to easily abolish this type of unemployment. Structural unemployment may also be encouraged to rise by persistent cyclical unemployment: if an economy suffers from long-lasting low aggregate demand, it means that many of the unemployed become disheartened, while their skills (including  job-searching  skills) become rusty and obsolete. Problems with debt may lead to  homelessness  and a fall into the vicious circle of  poverty. This means that they may not fit the job vacancies that are created when the economy recovers. Some economists see this scenario as occurring under British Prime Minister  Margaret Thatcher  during the 1970s and 1980s. The implication is that sustained  high  demand may  lower  structural unemployment. This theory of persistence in structural unemployment has been referred to as an example of  path dependence  or hysteresis. Much  technological unemployment  (e.g. due to the replacement of workers by machines) might be counted as structural unemployment. Alternatively, technological unemployment might refer to the way in which steady increases in labor productivity mean that fewer workers are needed to produce the same level of output every year. The fact that aggregate demand can be raised to deal with this problem suggests that this problem is instead one of cyclical unemployment. As indicated by  Okuns Law, the demand side must grow sufficiently quickly to absorb not only the growing labor force but also the workers made redundant by increased labor productivity. Otherwise, we see a  jobless recovery  such as those seen in the United States in both the early 1990s and the early 2000s. Seasonal unemployment may be seen as a kind of structural unemployment, since it is a type of unemployment that is linked to certain kinds of  jobs  (construction work, migratory farm work). The most-cited official unemployment measures erase this kind of unemployment from the statistics using seasonal adjustment techniques. Long-term unemployment This is normally defined, for instance in  European Union  statistics, as unemployment lasting for longer than one year. It is an important indicator of  social exclusion. Hidden unemployment Hidden, or covered, unemployment is the unemployment of potential workers that is not reflected in official unemployment statistics, due to the way the statistics are collected. In many countries only those who have no work but are actively looking for work (and/or qualifying for social security benefits) are counted as unemployed. Those who have given up looking for work (and sometimes those who are on Government retraining programmes) are not officially counted among the unemployed, even though they are not employed. The same applies to those who have taken  early retirement  to avoid being laid off, but would prefer to be working. The statistic also does not count the underemployed those with part time or seasonal jobs who would rather have full time jobs. Because of hidden unemployment, official statistics often underestimate unemployment rates. Full employment. In demand-based theory, it is possible to abolish cyclical unemployment by increasing the aggregate demand for products and workers. However, eventually the economy hits an inflation barrier imposed by the four other kinds of unemployment to the extent that they exist. Some demand theory economists see the inflation barrier as corresponding to the  natural rate of unemployment. The natural rate of unemployment is defined as the rate of unemployment that exists when the labor market is in equilibrium and there is pressure for neither rising inflation rates nor falling inflation rates. An alternative technical term for this rate is the  NAIRU  or the Non-Accelerating Inflation Rate of Unemployment. No matter what its name, demand theory holds that this means that if the unemployment rate gets too low, inflation will get worse and worse (accelerate) in the absence of wage and price controls (incomes policies). One of the major problems with the  NAIRU  theory is that no one knows exactly what the NAIRU is (while it clearly changes over time). The margin of error can be quite high relative to the actual unemployment rate, making it hard to use the NAIRU in policy-making. Another, normative, definition of full employment might be called the  ideal  unemployment rate. It would exclude all types of unemployment that represent forms of inefficiency. This type of full employment unemployment would correspond to only frictional unemployment (excluding that part encouraging the  McJobs  management strategy) and would thus be very low. However, it would be impossible to attain this full-employment target using only demand-side  Keynesian  stimulus without getting below the  NAIRU  and suffering from accelerating inflation (absent incomes policies). Training programs aimed at fighting structural unemployment would help here. To the extent that hidden unemployment exists, it implies that official unemployment statistics provide a poor guide to what unemployment rate coincides with full employment. Causes of unemployment. Causes of frictional unemployment Frictional unemployment may be a result of the following reasons: Mobility of labour: People generally seek another job either because they are fired from the existing job or because they are they want to get a better job. In the transition period they are unemployed. Expansion of the Labour force Every year more and more individuals join the labor force. During the phase of their job search they are unemployed.   Many economists have termed frictional unemployment a sign of economic well being. Frictional unemployment can exist only in a fast growing economy where the labor force is expanding, mobile, flexible and adaptable.  People generally seek another job either because they are fired from the existing job or because they are they want to get a better job. In the transition period they are unemployed. Expansion of the Labour force Every year more and more individuals join the labor force. During the phase of their job search they are unemployed.   Many economists have termed frictional unemployment a sign of economic well being. Frictional unemployment can exist only in a fast growing economy where the labor force is expanding, mobile, flexible and adaptable.   Labour mobility In the presence of perfect information and mobility of labor, people out of job can easily find in an industry, which is in need of labor. This way, structural unemployment may be reduced. Structure of the regional economy If certain industries are closing down then it may so happen that industries may get concentrated in a certain part of the nation. This may make employment difficult and increase the resulting structural unemployment.   High Gross Domestic Product, it is seen, is not indicative of a low structural unemployment : The main reason for the high level of unemployment is technological progress. Dont get me wrong; progress is good and it makes life easier. But if every year we produce the same amount of goods with fewer people in a few years far less working hours are needed to produce all the goods that are required. The historical trend has been to use less and less working hours per week.  If  we do  not  continue this trend, the supply of working hours is greater than the demand. An  oversupply  of working hours means they are worth less, wages and salaries get reduced. Also many persons are out of work; their working hours are no longer needed. Those that are out of work have no income and therefore  the demand for goods  goes down. With fewer sales, less gets produced, more persons are laid off. This is a vicious circle that accelerates unemployment and produces crime; because some will turn to crime to obtain income . Causes Of Unemployment In Pakistan: Economy of an individual is at the utmost priority of every democratic as well as welfare state. Since the dawn of human history, individual needs have been prioritized by every human being. These individual needs can be met by proper sources of employment. After the transformation of the world from a feudal to an industrial society, the needs of an individual have risen sharply, giving due importance to finance.In Pakistan, due to gigantic rise in population, individual finances have been disturbed a lot. This is because of rising unemployment. The major cause of unemployment in Pakistan are following. The first cause of unemployment or joblessness  in Pakistan is worsening law and order situation. Owing to this negative social phenomenon, foreign direct investment is sliding down to the bottom. According to the economic survey of Pakistan, in the current decade FDI was minimum last year.Also investors are loosing confidence in the political and economic system of the country therefore they are reluctant to invest in any new business venture. Resultantly, new jobs are not generating while the job seekers are rising continuously in the country. Secondly, Agriculture is account for the maximum job provision in the country. Agriculture sector is facing severe challenges of water shortage, climatic changes and technological backwardness in recent years. These factors have hit the per acre yield negatively which caused loosing of jobs of several people. In 2009-10, agriculture showed a growth of only 2% against the target of 3.8% while nearly 62% of Pakistan population is living in rural areas, and is directly or indirectly linked with agriculture for their livelihood. Thirdly, Industry is also a heaven for educated as well as semi-educated labour force in the country. Pakistan industry is short listing its labour because of gradual decrease in demand as well as acute energy shortage. Energy shortfall crosses 5500 MW at time causing severe damage to production capacity. Fourthly, World economic depression coupled with American war against Terror has also put negative impacts on our economy. It has not only doubled our expenditures on military front but also defaced Pakistans image in international arena. These factors have put international investment in Pakistan at risk. Therefore, Pakistan is not attracting new investment causing unemployment in the country. Fifthly,  United States of America spent 368 billion in 2007 on research and development whereas Pakistans attention towards this sector is the least. By spending on education and research, we can create more specialized fields thus generating more jobs. In the 2010 budget, Pakistan has earmarked only 2% of its GDP on education which is the lowest in whole of the region. Sixthly, Population increase is also a cause of unemployment in Pakistan. Till 2010, Pakistans population is 173.54 million wheras most of the population is unable to survive in the financial race because of illiteracy. In Spite of these factors poor governance, deep rooted corruption, faulty educational system, lack of quality educational institutions and feudalism are also aggravating the situation further. Finally, we can hold the government responsible for the its poor performance in financial sector. Poor governance have marred the performance of our economic sector by every side and government has taken only cosmetic measures to redress the problem. Dr. Ishrat Hussain suggestions to improve the governance  have been put  on the backburner. Economy of an individual is at the utmost priority of every democratic as well as welfare state. Since the dawn of human history, individual needs have been prioritized by every human being. These individual needs can be met by proper sources of employment. After the transformation of the world from a feudal to an industrial society, the needs of an individual have risen sharply, giving due importance to finance.In Pakistan, due to gigantic rise in population, individual finances have been disturbed a lot. This is because of rising unemployment. The major cause of unemployment in Pakistan are following. The first cause of unemployment or joblessness  in Pakistan is worsening law and order situation. Owing to this negative social phenomenon, foreign direct investment is sliding down to the bottom. According to the economic survey of Pakistan, in the current decade FDI was minimum last year.Also investors are loosing confidence in the political and economic system of the country therefore they are reluctant to invest in any new business venture. Resultantly, new jobs are not generating while the job seekers are rising continuously in the country. Secondly, Agriculture is account for the maximum job provision in the country. Agriculture sector is facing severe challenges of water shortage, climatic changes and technological backwardness in recent years. These factors have hit the per acre yield negatively which caused loosing of jobs of several people. In 2009-10, agriculture showed a growth of only 2% against the target of 3.8% while nearly 62% of Pakistan population is living in rural areas, and is directly or indirectly linked with agriculture for their livelihood. Thirdly, Industry is also a heaven for educated as well as semi-educated labour force in the country. Pakistan industry is short listing its labour because of gradual decrease in demand as well as acute energy shortage. Energy shortfall crosses 5500 MW at time causing severe damage to production capacity. Fourthly, World economic depression coupled with American war against Terror has also put negative impacts on our economy. It has not only doubled our expenditures on military front but also defaced Pakistans image in international arena. These factors have put international investment in Pakistan at risk. Therefore, Pakistan is not attracting new investment causing unemployment in the country. Fifthly,  United States of America spent 368 billion in 2007 on research and development whereas Pakistans attention towards this sector is the least. By spending on education and research, we can create more specialized fields thus generating more jobs. In the 2010 budget, Pakistan has earmarked only 2% of its GDP on education which is the lowest in whole of the region. Sixthly, Population increase is also a cause of unemployment in Pakistan. Till 2010, Pakistans population is 173.54 million wheras most of the population is unable to survive in the financial race because of illiteracy. In Spite of these factors poor governance, deep rooted corruption, faulty educational system, lack of quality educational institutions and feudalism are also aggravating the situation further. Finally, we can hold the government responsible for the its poor performance in financial sector. Poor governance have marred the performance of our economic sector by every side and government has taken only cosmetic measures to redress the problem. Dr. Ishrat Hussain suggestions to improve the governance  have been put  on the backburner. Five steps to helping Pakistans educated unemployed: While the problem of individuals who are highly educated but unemployed can be found around the world, the situation in Pakistan is particularly dire and urgent: in 1994, nearly half of the unemployed in Pakistan were educated. This form of unemployment is not only expensive, since it wastes valuable education dollars, it is also socially disruptive. Jobless but educated youth often become hopeless for any kind of future in Pakistan, or in a growing number of cases, become part of the brain drain and leave for countries in industrialized nations where there are more employment opportunities. Part of the problem is the lack of emphasis on vocational and technical training and too much stress on abstract knowledge. In Pakistan, about 323,000 students pass the matriculation exam yearly. Out of these students, it is estimated that over half will choose post-secondary education and only 20 percent will seek vocational training or business education. Of those who choose the path to higher education, the majority enter the general bachelors and masters degree programs with little to no career counseling. This is explained by the fact that the state provides a 91 percent subsidy to higher education while recovering only nine percent of the total cost through fees. Therefore, it is very easy to obtain higher academic education in Pakistan. The problem though is that this education does not teach skills that will be marketable in the job market after graduation, thus creating a mismatch between the degrees students earn and the jobs available to them, especially in the private sector. The other option is to seek employment with the government. This too, however, is problematic, since regional quotas and financial constraints make the pool of jobs possibly even smaller than in the private sector. As for those who enter the job market right after high school, studies indicate that only two-thirds of them are able to find jobs, while the rest continue to be unemployed. In addition, 20,000 to 30,000 intermediate-level students fail to find jobs each year. However, even in faculties that offer technical training, the skills taught are sorely lacking. One example is in the sciences. Only one-quarter of matriculating students pursue further education in science. Among those who decide to pursue a career in engineering, the only option the Pakistani Universities of Engineering and Technology make available is a Bachelors of Science in engineering. That means these schools act as engineering colleges rather than universities, by churning out graduates with a bachelors degree level education and completely ignoring post-graduate training. To make the problem worse, there is an too much emphasis on traditional areas like civil, mechanical and electrical engineering, while areas like computer and software engineering, which offer more opportunities, are generally ignored. This deals a nasty blow to young, bright students who have the interest and intelligence to succeed in such fields which are more likely to provide the promise of a job than in the traditional domains of engineering. To bridge the yawning gap between qualified Pakistanis and the countrys job market, a number of urgent steps need to be taken to reform the educational system. Here are five that can help: 1. After students pass the Matriculation level, they should be required to take a National Aptitude. This will create two streams of students. One will include those students who will pursue general education and the other technical/vocational training. This is why the test must be designed to identify students with an aptitude for technical work so that a larger number of youth can be directed towards training programs and apprenticeship schemes. 2. Students who pursue higher university education should be more focused on research. Only the brightest and the most talented students who show an aptitude for scholarly research should be encouraged to choose higher university education. 3. Employment in the public sector should not be based on quotas, but rather on merit. 4. There must be career counseling and guidance provided to youth, so that trained experts can share their knowledge and help steer the next generation to fields that will benefit them and the country. 5. The Pakistani government should conduct labor market surveys to provide students with information about job prospects, labor market requirements and job descriptions. Armed with this information, students will be able to make better choices for their future. Rate Of unemployment in Pakistan: Differnce between the two previous governments Efforts Made By Government: GOVT PURSUING POLICIES TO REDUCE UNEMPLOYMENT: PAKISTANI PM GILANI ISLAMABAD, Mar 4 (NNN-APP) Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani has said that the government has devised a comprehensive policy for achieving sustainable economic growth. Addressing participants of the 92nd National Management Course here Wednesday, he said the government has designed its polices keeping in view the objective to reduce poverty, unemployment and meet the targets set out in Millennium Development Goals. He said the effective policy implementation to stabilize the country?s economy met with success in arresting the downward trend and the difficulties in this regard had been largely contained. It is heartening to note that all economic indicators are now showing positive trend, he added. ? Governance is a shared responsibility of all the state institutions at all levels and the people can only be satisfied when their needs and problems are resolved at their doorstep,? he said adding this required coordination and harmonious relationship among all the institutions with the objective to serve the common man. He underlined the need for every institution to function within its own ambit and discharge its responsibilities with sincerity of purpose. Gilani said the concept of good governance has gained much importance in the present day where the public representatives implement an agenda which has the backing of mandate. The key role in this regard is played by the civil servants as they are entrusted with the role of policy inputs and implementation of government?s initiatives, he added. He said best practices and success stories from the private sector and the civil society have to be incorporated in the government?s working. Motivation and initiatives are incentives of proper service delivery at the grassroots level. Similarly, the efficiency of the government agenda is based on the quality of governance, he observed. If good governance is lacking the system becomes dysfunctional and service delivery is unattainable. Inculcation of a spirit of public service must be the hallmark of your professional approach while discharging responsibilities at different government positions, he commented. Gilani said primary responsibility as state functionaries is to perform duty with integrity, justice and honesty. He quoted from the address of Quaid-e-Azam to the gazetted officers on 25th March, 1948: ?Of course you must be loyal to the Government that is in power. The second point is that of your conduct and dealings with the people in various departments, in which you may be: wipe off that past reputation; you are not rulers. You do not belong to the ruling class; you belong to the servants. Make the people feel that you are their servants and friends, maintain the highest standard of honour, integrity, justice and fair-play. If you do that, people will have confidence and trust in you and will look upon you as friends and well wishers?.   The Prime Minister said the government is striving for a democratic, prosperous and progressive Pakistan which is the anchor of peace and stability for the entire South Asian region. ?Every country has its unique features, which require indigenous solutions. In our case too, we need to solve our problems by devising solutions according to our own conditions. That is where the role of civil servant is most crucial,? he added. He said it is important that outdated and obstructive rules and regulations are revisited from time to time. The implementation level of public policies itself is a big challenge before the civil servants. He said policies are formulated with zeal and enthusiasm but at times their implementation is too slow or delayed and thereby the original purpose of the agenda is either lost or becomes irrelevant. He said the government is committed to improving the capabilities of the civil servants to become responsive in delivering basic public services to the common citizens in an effi

Friday, October 25, 2019

Essay --

Executive summary CSR implies that the company needs to take into account, in the impact of its activities , all of its stakeholders , both internal ( employees , trade unions) , or external (NGOs, local communities , customers, suppliers , organizations non-financial and Shareholders notation). Corporate Social Responsibility is based on a corpus of standards and international standards that involve commitments from businesses, and on which they are accountable . It covers all sectors, but to different degrees . Among the main sectors, retail are concerned because of their environmental, social and societal impact. Amazon company is therefore part of its firms to get involved and grow in terms of social responsibility of the company. With a vast distribution network, it was able to penetrate the market of e –commerce and have a competitive advantage through its supply chain. However, despite this success, there may be some gaps and limitations in terms of integration of CSR within the company. Content Introduction 4 I- Amazon Supply chain as part of its strategic management 4 Improvement of shopping methods 4 The coexistence of a variety of business models. 5 A thorough knowledge of customer demand 5 II- Introduction to Corporate social Responsibility 6 Definition 6 Communication 6 Implementation 6 Measurement 7 III- Critique of Amazon’s performance with regard to CSR 7 Conclusion 8 References 9 Introduction World number one in its market in just 15 years, Amazon is the global leader in electronic commerce. Initially small bookstore in the new economy, the site is now a general distributor for food, clothing, electronic products, automotive equipment and others. Also offering many professionals services such as logistics... ... that it could improve customer service in the past through its supply chain. The e-commerce retailer can use its experience in innovation networks of suppliers and customer satisfaction to better manage issues of sustainable development. Now, Amazon is facing competitors who were able to tackle the project of sustainability in their supply chain and acting really in term of CSR. Amazon can take advantage of this opportunity to develop the CSR in order to satisfy customers and shareholders using this project as an added value. By Integrating sustainable development strategies of the supply chain, such as establishing a code of conduct for suppliers, waste reduction, reassess labor policy and human rights , optimizing shipping method and saving energy , Amazon may become a more sustainable company and achieved more goals in term of corporate social responsibility.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Organisation Behaviour Essay

Using the concepts that you have read in the book, describe what would be according to your personality the ideal job for you ? (Sessions 1 and 2) With noadays’ global and competitive environment, Organisation Behaviour look further in workforce diversity. It seeks to include different personnalities in an organisation to improve performances and increase organisation values. Personality is about determining a person’s reactions and interactions with others. Though a part of this fact is determined by heredity, it is also a process of change related to psychological growth and personal development. Finding a job that ideally corresponds to my personality is not as easy as it seems.  According to OB experts, a good job fit refers to  « the degree to which a person’s cognitive abilities, interests and personality dynamics fit those required by the job  » (Chuck Russell – Right Person Right Job, Guess or Know). So job fit is not only about matching technical skills, but it is also about matching my inner passion and talent with the job and with the organisation. It has been proven that a good job fit increases performances and attracts talent. On the other hand, a bad job fit can have a negative impact ; that’s why it is critical to success. To find my ideal job, there are many different tools based on personality traits to describe an individual’s behaviour and distinguish differences, but I have chosen two of them to analyse myself : †¢ Firstly, the MYERS-BRIGGS compares four type indicators : Extroverted vs Introverted, Sensing vs Intuitive, Thinking vs Feeling, Judging vs Perceiving. Personally, I think that I used to be an ESFJ person (called the Guardian Provider), but that I changed with time into an ESTJ person. (called the Gardian Supervisor). This change is maybe caused by my personal evolvment. Secondly, OB has also focused on big five factors related to job outcomes : Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Emotional stability, and Openness to experience. To have an outer opinion about my own personality, I have taken a test online ( by answering questions reflecting these five factors. My results were : ââ€" ¦ Extroversion : preference to social situations ââ€" ¦ Agreeableness : tendency to be trusting friendly and cooperative ââ€" ¦ Conscientiousness : methodical, well organized and dutiful ââ€" ¦ Neuroticism : tendency to feel insecurity and emotional distress ââ€" ¦ Openness : interest in creativity, culture and educational experiences After my self discovery through this analysis, and regarding the relationship between personality and performances, I cannot say that there’s a unique ideal job for me. But taking into consideration my personal preferences, I would like to work as a Marketing Brand Manager.. I think this job would fit me like a glove because : †¢ it requires a lot of organisational skills by planning the marketing process, and co-ordinating all the elements related to promotion and sales. †¢ It requires group work management, with open-minded and regular interactions and communication with the employees. †¢ it is also connected to creativity that adds value to the organisation, not only in advertising but in all the marketing process. †¢ It demand an ability to adapt myself to different situations through innovation †¢ It gives me satisfaction to have concrete results of my work that can have an impact on the company’s performance. These elements of the Marketing Brand Manager’s job fits well with my personality because they reflect what I am good at. There is no good or bad personality, because every person is different from the other, and so every person has its place in an organisation. Therefore, finding the best job fit is not only related to what we know, but it is more about what we are today and how we interact.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ’s Childhood Pal Chapter 8

Chapter 8 I've managed to sneak into the bathroom long enough to read a few chapters of this New Testament that they've added to the Bible. This Matthew fellow, who is obviously not the Matthew that we knew, seems to have left out quite a little bit. Like everything from the time Joshua was born to the time he was thirty!!! No wonder the angel brought me back to write this book. This Matthew fellow hasn't mentioned me yet, but I'm still in the early chapters. I have to ration myself to keep the angel from getting suspicious. Today he confronted me when I came out of the bathroom. â€Å"You are spending a lot of time in there. You don't need to spend so much time in there.† â€Å"I told you, cleanliness is very important to my people.† â€Å"You weren't bathing. I would have heard the water running.† I decided that I needed to go on the offensive if I was going to keep the angel from finding the Bible. I ran across the room, leapt onto his bed, and fastened my hands around his throat – choking him as I chanted: â€Å"I haven't been laid in two thousand years. I haven't been laid in two thousand years. I haven't been laid in two thousand years.† It felt good, there was a rhythm to it, I sort of squoze his throat a bit with every syllable. I paused for a moment in choking the heavenly host to backhand him across his alabaster cheek. It was a mistake. He caught my hand. Then grabbed me by the hair with his other hand and calmly climbed to his feet, lifting me into the air by my hair. â€Å"Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow,† I said. â€Å"So, you have not been laid in two thousand years? What does that mean?† â€Å"Ow, ow, ow, ow,† I replied. The angel set me on my feet, but kept his grasp on my hair. â€Å"So?† â€Å"It means that I haven't had a woman in two millennia, aren't you picking up any of the vocabulary from the television?† He glanced at the TV, which, of course, was on. â€Å"I don't have your gift of tongues. What does that have to do with choking me?† â€Å"I was choking you because you, once again, are as dense as dirt. I haven't had sex in two thousand years. Men have needs. What the hell do you think I'm doing in the bathroom all of that time?† â€Å"Oh,† the angel said, releasing my hair. â€Å"So you are†¦You have been†¦There is a†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"Get me a woman and maybe I won't spend so much time in the bathroom, if you get my meaning.† Brilliant misdirection, I thought. â€Å"A woman? No, I cannot do that. Not yet.† â€Å"Yet? Does that mean†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"Oh look,† the angel said, turning from me as if I was no more than vapor, â€Å"General Hospital is starting.† And with that, my secret Bible was safe. What did he mean by â€Å"yet†? At least this Matthew mentions the Magi. One sentence, but that's one more than I've gotten in his Gospel so far. Our second day in Jerusalem we went to see the great Rabbi Hillel. (Rabbi means teacher in Hebrew – you knew that, right?) Hillel looked to be a hundred years old, his beard and hair were long and white, and his eyes were clouded over, his irises milk white. His skin was leathery-brown from sitting in the sun and his nose was long and hooked, giving him the aspect of a great, blind eagle. He held class all morning in the outer courtyard of the Temple. We sat quietly, listening to him recite from the Torah and interpret the verses, taking questions and engaging in arguments with the Pharisees, who tried to infuse the Law into every minute detail of life. Toward the end of Hillel's morning lectures, Jakan, the camel-sucking husband-to-be of my beloved Maggie, asked Hillel if it would be a sin to eat an egg that had been laid on the Sabbath. â€Å"What are you, stupid? The Lord doesn't give a damn what a chicken does on the Sabbath, you nimrod! It's a chicken. If a Jew lays an egg on the Sabbath, that's probably a sin, come see me then. Otherwise don't waste my friggin' time with that nonsense. Now go away, I'm hungry and I need a nap. All of you, scram.† Joshua looked at me and grinned. â€Å"He's not what I expected,† he whispered. â€Å"Knows a nimrod when he sees – uh – hears one, though,† I said. (Nimrod was an ancient king who died of suffocation after he wondered aloud in front of his guards what it would be like to have your own head stuck up your ass.) A boy younger than us helped the old man to his feet and began to lead him away toward the Temple gate. I ran up and took the priest's other arm. â€Å"Rabbi, my friend has come from far away to talk to you. Can you help him?† The old man stopped. â€Å"Where is your friend?† â€Å"Right here.† â€Å"Then why isn't he talking for himself? Where do you come from, kid?† â€Å"Nazareth,† Joshua said, â€Å"but I was born in Bethlehem. I am Joshua bar Joseph.† â€Å"Oh yeah, I've talked to your mother.† â€Å"You have?† â€Å"Sure, almost every time she and your father come to Jerusalem for a feast she tries to see me. She thinks you're the Messiah.† Joshua swallowed hard. â€Å"Am I?† Hillel snorted. â€Å"Do you want to be the Messiah?† Joshua looked at me as if I might have the answer. I shrugged. â€Å"I don't know,† Josh finally said. â€Å"I thought I was just supposed to do it.† â€Å"Do you think you're the Messiah?† â€Å"I'm not sure I should say.† â€Å"That's smart,† Hillel said. â€Å"You shouldn't say. You can think you're the Messiah all that you want, just don't tell anyone.† â€Å"But if I don't tell them, they won't know.† â€Å"Exactly. You can think you're a palm tree if you want, just don't tell anyone. You can think you're a flock of seagulls, just don't tell anyone. You get my meaning? Now I have to go eat. I'm old and I'm hungry and I want to go eat now, so just in case I die before supper I won't go hungry.† â€Å"But he really is the Messiah,† I said. â€Å"Oh yeah,† Hillel said, grabbing my shoulder, then feeling for my head so he could scream into my ear. â€Å"What do you know? You're an ignorant kid. How old are you? Twelve? Thirteen?† â€Å"Thirteen.† â€Å"How could you, at thirteen, know anything? I'm eighty-four and I don't know shit.† â€Å"But you're wise,† I said. â€Å"I'm wise enough to know that I don't know shit. Now go away.† â€Å"Should I ask the Holy of Holies?† Joshua said. Hillel swung at the air, as if to slap Joshua, but missed by a foot. â€Å"It's a box. I saw it when I could still see, and I can tell you that it's a box. And you know what else, if there were tablets in it, they aren't there now. So if you want to talk to a box, and probably be executed for trying to get into the chamber where it's kept, you go right ahead.† The breath seemed to be knocked out of Joshua's body and I thought he would faint on the spot. How could the greatest teacher in all of Israel speak of the Ark of the Covenant in such a way? How could a man who obviously knew every word of the Torah, and all the teachings written since, how could he claim not to know anything? Hillel seemed to sense Joshua's distress. â€Å"Look, kid, your mother says that some very wise men came to Bethlehem to see you when you were born. They obviously knew something that no one else knew. Why don't you go see them? Ask them about being the Messiah.† â€Å"So you aren't going to tell him how to be the Messiah?† I asked. Again Hillel reached out for Joshua, but this time without any anger. He found Joshua's cheek, and stroked it with his palsied hand. â€Å"I don't believe there will be a Messiah, and at this point, I'm not sure it would make a difference to me. Our people have spent more time in slavery or under the heels of foreign kings than we have spent free, so who is to say that it is God's will that we be free at all? Who is to say that God concerns himself with us in any way, beyond allowing us to be? I don't think that he does. So know this, little one. Whether you are the Messiah, or you become a rabbi, or even if you are nothing more than a farmer, here is the sum of all I can teach you, and all that I know: treat others as you would like to be treated. Can you remember that?† Joshua nodded and the old man smiled. â€Å"Go find your wise men, Joshua bar Joseph.† What we did was stay in the Temple while Joshua grilled every priest, guard, even Pharisee about the Magi who had come to Jerusalem thirteen years before. Evidently it wasn't as big an event for others as it was for Josh's family, because no one had any idea what he was talking about. By the time he'd been at it for a couple of hours he was literally screaming into the faces of a group of Pharisees. â€Å"Three of them. Magicians. They came because they saw a star over Bethlehem. They were carrying gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Come on, you're all old. You're supposed to be wise. Think!† Needless to say, they weren't pleased. â€Å"Who is this boy who would question our knowledge? He knows nothing of the Torah and the prophets and yet berates us for not remembering three insignificant travelers.† It was the wrong thing to say to Joshua. No one had studied the Torah harder. No one knew scripture better. â€Å"Ask me any question, Pharisee,† Joshua said. â€Å"Ask anything.† In retrospect, after having grown up, somewhat, and having lived, died, and been resurrected from the dust, I realize that there may be nothing more obnoxious than a teenager who knows everything. Certainly, it is a symptom of the age that they think they know everything, but now I have some sympathy for those poor men who challenged Joshua that day at the Temple. Of course, at the time, I shouted, â€Å"Smite the sons-a-bitches, Josh.† He was there for days. Joshua wouldn't even leave to eat, and I went out into the city to bring him back food. First the Pharisees, but later even some of the priests came to quiz Joshua, to try to throw him some question about some obscure Hebrew king or general. They made him recite the lineages from all the books of the Bible, yet he did not waver. Myself, I left him there to argue while I wandered through the holy city looking for Maggie, then, when I couldn't find her, for girls in general. I slept at the camp of my parents, assuming all the time that Joshua was returning each night to his own family, but I was wrong. When the Passover feast was over and we were packing up to leave, Mary, Joshua's mother, came to me in a panic. â€Å"Biff. Have you seen Joshua?† The poor woman was distraught. I wanted to comfort her so I held my arms out to give her a comforting embrace. â€Å"Poor Mary, calm down. Joshua is fine. Come, let me give you a comforting embrace.† â€Å"Biff!† I thought she might slap me. â€Å"He's at the Temple. Jeez, a guy tries to be compassionate and what does he get?† She had already taken off. I caught up to her as she was dragging Joshua out of the Temple by the arm. â€Å"You worried us half to death.† â€Å"You should have known you would find me in my father's house,† Joshua said. â€Å"Don't you pull that ‘my father' stuff on me, Joshua bar Joseph. The commandment says honor thy father and thy mother. I'm not feeling honored right now, young man. You could have sent a message, you could have stopped by the camp.† Joshua looked at me, his eyes pleading for me to help him out. â€Å"I tried to comfort her, Josh, but she wouldn't have it.† Later I found the two of them on the road to Nazareth and Joshua motioned for me to walk with them. â€Å"Mother thinks we may be able to find at least one of the Magi, and if we find that one, he may know where the others are.† Mary nodded, â€Å"The one named Balthasar, the black one, he said he came from a village north of Antioch. He was the only one of the three that spoke any Hebrew.† I didn't feel confident. Although I'd never seen a map, â€Å"north of Antioch† sounded like a large, unspecific, and scary place. â€Å"Is there more?† â€Å"Yes, the other two had come from the East by the Silk Road. Their names were Melchior and Gaspar.† â€Å"So it's off to Antioch,† Joshua said. He seemed completely satisfied with the information his mother had given him, as if all he needed were the three Magi's names and he'd as much as found them. I said, â€Å"You're going to go to Antioch assuming that someone there will remember a man who may have lived north of there thirteen years ago?† â€Å"A magician,† Mary said. â€Å"A rich, Ethiopian magician. How many can there be?† â€Å"Well, there might not be any, did you think of that? He might have died. He might have moved to another city.† â€Å"In that case, I will be in Antioch,† Joshua said. â€Å"From there I can travel the Silk Road until I find the other two.† I couldn't believe my ears. â€Å"You're not going alone.† â€Å"Of course.† â€Å"But Josh, you're helpless out in the world. You only know Nazareth, where people are stupid and poor. No offense, Mary. You'll be like – uh – like a lamb among wolves. You need me along to watch out for you.† â€Å"And what do you know that I don't? Your Latin is horrible, your Greek is barely passable, and your Hebrew is atrocious.† â€Å"Yeah. If a stranger comes up to you on the road to Antioch and asks you how much money you are carrying, what do you tell him?† â€Å"That will depend on how much I am carrying.† â€Å"No it won't. You haven't enough for a crust of bread. You are a poor beggar.† â€Å"But that's not true.† â€Å"Exactly.† Mary put her arm around her son's shoulders. â€Å"He has a point, Joshua.† Joshua wrinkled his brow as if he had to think about it, but I could tell that he was relieved that I wanted to go along. â€Å"When do you want to leave?† â€Å"When did Maggie say she was getting married?† â€Å"In a month.† â€Å"Before then. I don't want to be here when it happens.† â€Å"Me either,† Joshua said. And so we spent the next few weeks preparing for our journey. My father thought I was crazy, but my mother seemed happy to have the extra space in the house and pleased that the family wouldn't have to put up a bride price to marry me off right away. â€Å"So you'll be gone how long?† Mother asked. â€Å"I don't know. It's not a terribly long journey to Antioch, but I don't know how long we'll be there. Then we'll be traveling the Silk Road. I'm guessing that that's a long journey. I've never seen any silk growing around here.† â€Å"Well, take a wool tunic in case it gets cold.† And that was all I heard from my mother. Not â€Å"Why are you going?† Not â€Å"Who are you looking for?† Just â€Å"Take a wool tunic.† Jeez. My father was more supportive. â€Å"I can give you a little money to travel with, or we could buy you a donkey.† â€Å"I think the money would be better. A donkey couldn't carry both of us.† â€Å"And who are these fellows you're looking for?† â€Å"Magicians, I think.† â€Å"And you want to talk to magicians because†¦?† â€Å"Because Josh wants to know how to be the Messiah.† â€Å"Oh, right. And you believe that Joshua is the Messiah?† â€Å"Yes, but more important than that, he's my friend. I can't let him go alone.† â€Å"And what if he's not the Messiah? What if you find these magicians and they tell you that Joshua is not what you think he is, that he's just a normal boy?† â€Å"Well, he'll really need me to be there, then, won't he?† My father laughed. â€Å"Yes, I guess he will. You come back, Levi, and bring your friend the Messiah with you. Now we'll have to set three empty places at the table on Passover. One for Elijah, one for my lost son, and one for his pal the Messiah.† â€Å"Well, don't seat Joshua next to Elijah. If those guys start talking religion we'll never have any peace.† It came down to only four days before Maggie's wedding before Joshua and I accepted that one of us would have to tell her we were leaving. After nearly a whole day of arguing, it fell upon me to go to her. I saw Joshua face down fears in himself that would have broken other men, but taking bad news to Maggie was one he couldn't overcome. I took the task on myself and tried to leave Joshua with his dignity. â€Å"You wuss!† â€Å"How can I tell her that it's too painful to watch her marry that toad?† â€Å"First, you're insulting toads everywhere, and second, what makes you think it's any easier for me?† â€Å"You're tougher than I am.† â€Å"Oh, don't try that. You can't just roll over and expect me to not notice that I'm being manipulated. She's going to cry. I hate it when she cries.† â€Å"I know,† Josh said. â€Å"It hurts me too. Too much.† Then he put his hand on my head and I suddenly felt better, stronger. â€Å"Don't try your Son of God mumbo jumbo on me, you're still a wuss.† â€Å"If it be so, so be it. So it shall be written.† Well, it is now, Josh. It's written now. (It's strange, the word â€Å"wuss† is the same in my ancient Aramaic tongue as it is in this language. Like the word waited for me these two thousand years so I could write it down here. Strange.) Maggie was washing clothes in the square with a bunch of other women. I caught her attention by jumping on the shoulders of my friend Bartholomew, who was gleefully exposing himself for the viewing pleasure of the Nazarene wives. With a subtle toss of my head I signaled to Maggie to meet me behind a nearby stand of date palms. â€Å"Behind those trees?† Maggie shouted. â€Å"Yeah,† I replied. â€Å"You bringing the idiot?† â€Å"Nope.† â€Å"Okay,† she said, and she handed her washing to one of her younger sisters and scampered to the trees. I was surprised to see her smiling so close to the time of her wedding. She hugged me and I could feel the heat rise in my face, either from shame or love, like there was a difference. â€Å"Well, you're in a good mood,† I said. â€Å"Why not? I'm using them all up before the wedding. Speaking of which, what are you two bringing me for a present? It had better be good if it's going to make up for who I have to marry.† She was joyful and there was music and laughter in her voice, pure Maggie, but I had to turn away. â€Å"Hey, I was only joking,† she said. â€Å"You guys don't need to bring me anything.† â€Å"We're leaving, Maggie. We won't be there.† She grabbed my shoulder and forced me to face her. â€Å"You're leaving? You and Joshua? You're going away?† â€Å"Yes, before your wedding. We're going to Antioch, and from there far into the East along the Silk Road.† She said nothing. Tears welled up in her eyes and I could feel them rising in mine as well. This time she turned away. â€Å"We should have told you before, I know, but really we only decided at Passover. Joshua is going to find the Magi who came to his birth, and I'm going with him because I have to.† She wheeled on me. â€Å"You have to? You have to? You don't have to. You can stay and be my friend and come to my wedding and sneak down to talk to me here or in the vineyard and we can laugh and tease and no matter how horrible it is being married to Jakan, I'll have that. I'll at least have that!† I felt as if I'd be sick to my stomach any second. I wanted to tell her that I'd stay, that I'd wait, that if there was the slightest chance that her life wasn't going to be a desert in the arms of her creep husband that I could hold hope. I wanted to do whatever I could to take away even a little bit of her pain, even up to letting Joshua go by himself, but in thinking that, I realized that Joshua must have been feeling the same thing, so all I said was â€Å"I'm sorry.† â€Å"And what about Joshua, wasn't he even going to say good-bye?† â€Å"He wanted to, but he couldn't. Neither of us can, I mean, we didn't want to have to watch you marry Jakan.† â€Å"Cowards. You two deserve each other. You can hide behind each other like Greek boys. Just go. Get away from me.† I tried to think of something to say, but my mind was a soup of confusion so I hung my head and walked away. I was almost out of the square when Maggie caught up to me. I heard her footsteps and turned. â€Å"Tell him to meet me behind the synagogue, Biff. The night before my wedding, an hour after sunset.† â€Å"I'm not sure, Maggie, he – â€Å" â€Å"Tell him,† she said. She ran back to the well without looking back. So I told Joshua, and on the night before Maggie's wedding, the night before we were to leave on our journey, Joshua packed some bread and cheese and a skin of wine and told me to meet him by the date palms in the square where we would share supper together. â€Å"You have to go,† Joshua said. â€Å"I'm going. In the morning, when you do. What, you think I'd back out now?† â€Å"No, tonight. You have to go to Maggie. I can't go.† â€Å"What? I mean, why?† Sure I'd been heartbroken when Maggie had asked to see Joshua and not me, but I'd come to terms with it. Well, as well as one ever comes to terms with an ongoing heartbreak. â€Å"You have to take my place, Biff. There's almost no moon tonight, and we are about the same size. Just don't say much and she'll think it's me. Maybe not as smart as normal, but she can put that down to worry over the upcoming journey.† â€Å"I'd love to see Maggie, but she wants to see you, why can't you go?† â€Å"You really don't know?† â€Å"Not really.† â€Å"Then just take my word for it. You'll see. Will you do this for me, Biff? Will you take my place, pretend to be me?† â€Å"That would be lying. You never lie.† â€Å"Now you're getting righteous on me? I won't be lying. You will be.† â€Å"Oh. In that case, I'll go.† But there wasn't even time to deceive. It was so dark that night that I had to make my way slowly through the village by starlight alone, and as I rounded the corner to the back of our small synagogue I was hit with a wave of sandalwood and lemon and girl sweat, of warm skin, a wet mouth over mine, arms around my back and legs around my waist. I fell backward on the ground and there was in my head a bright light, and the rest of the world existed in the senses of touch and smell and God. There, on the ground behind the synagogue, Maggie and I indulged desires we had carried for years, mine for her, and hers for Joshua. That neither of us knew what we were doing made no difference. It was pure and it happened and it was marvelous. And when we finished we lay there holding each other, half dressed, breathless, and sweating, and Maggie said, â€Å"I love you, Joshua.† â€Å"I love you, Maggie,† I said. And ever so slightly she loosened her embrace. â€Å"I couldn't marry Jakan without – I couldn't let you go without – without letting you know.† â€Å"He knows, Maggie.† Then she really pulled away. â€Å"Biff?† â€Å"Uh-oh.† I thought she might scream, that she might leap up and run away, that she might do any one of a hundred things to take me from heaven to hell, but after only a second she nuzzled close to me again. â€Å"Thank you for being here,† she said. We left at dawn, and our fathers walked with us as far as the gates of Sepphoris. When we parted at the gates my father gave me a hammer and chisel to carry with me in my satchel. â€Å"With that you can make enough for a meal anywhere you go,† my father said. Joseph gave Joshua a wooden bowl. â€Å"Out of that you can eat the meal that Biff earns.† He grinned at me. By the gates of Sepphoris I kissed my father for the last time. By the gates of Sepphoris we left our fathers behind and went out into the world to find three wise men. â€Å"Come back, Joshua, and make us free,† Joseph shouted to our backs. â€Å"Go with God,† my own father said. â€Å"I am, I am,† I shouted. â€Å"He's right here.† Joshua said nothing until the sun was high in the sky and we stopped to share a drink of water. â€Å"Well?† Joshua said. â€Å"Did she know it was you?† â€Å"Yes. Not at first, but before we parted. She knew.† â€Å"Was she angry at me?† â€Å"No.† â€Å"Was she angry at you?† I smiled. â€Å"No.† â€Å"You dog!† he said. â€Å"You really should ask that angel what he meant about you not knowing a woman, Joshua. It's really important.† â€Å"You know now why I couldn't go.† â€Å"Yes. Thanks.† â€Å"I'll miss her,† Joshua said. â€Å"You have no idea,† I said. â€Å"Every detail. I want to know every detail.† â€Å"But you aren't supposed to know.† â€Å"That's not what the angel meant. Tell me.† â€Å"Not now. Not while I can still smell her on my arms.† Joshua kicked at the dirt. â€Å"Am I angry with you, or happy for you, or jealous of you? I don't know? Tell me!† â€Å"Josh, right now, for the first time I can remember, I'm happier being your friend than I would be being you. Can I have that?† Now, thinking about that night with Maggie behind the synagogue, where we stayed together until it was nearly dawn, where we made love again and again and fell asleep naked on top of our clothes – now, when I think of that, I want to run away from here, this room, this angel and his task, find a lake, dive down, and hide from the eye of God in the dark muck on the bottom. Strange.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Battle of Malvern Hill - Civil War Battle of Malvern Hill

Battle of Malvern Hill - Civil War Battle of Malvern Hill Battle of Malvern Hill: Date Conflict: The Battle of Malvern Hill was part of the Seven Days Battles and was fought July 1, 1862, during the American Civil War (1861-1865). Armies Commanders Union Major General George B. McClellanBrigadier General Fitz John Porter80,000 men Confederate General Robert E. Lee80,000 men Battle of Malvern Hill - Background: Beginning on June 25, 1862, Major General George B. McClellans Army of the Potomac was the subject of repeated assaults by Confederate forces under General Robert E. Lee. Falling back from the gates of Richmond, McClellan believed his army to be outnumbered and hastened to retreat to his secure supply base at Harrisons Landing where his army could shelter under the guns of the US Navy in the James River. Fighting an inconclusive action at Glendale (Fraysers Farm) on June 30, he was able to gain some breathing room for his continued withdrawal. Retreating south, the Army of the Potomac occupied a high, open plateau known as Malvern Hill on July 1. Featuring steep slopes on its southern, eastern, and western sides, the position was further protected by swampy terrain and Western Run to the east. The site had been selected the previous day by Brigadier General Fitz John Porter who commanded the Union V Corps. Riding ahead to Harrisons Landing, McClellan left Porter in command at Malvern Hill. Aware that Confederate forces would have to attack from the north, Porter formed a line facing in that direction (Map). Battle of Malvern Hill - The Union Position: Placing Brigadier General George Morells division from his corps on the far left, Porter placed the IV Corps division of Brigadier General Darius Couch to their right. The Union line was further extended to the right by the III Corps divisions of Brigadier General Philip Kearny and Joseph Hooker. These infantry formations were supported by the armys artillery under Colonel Henry Hunt. Possessing around 250 guns, he was able to emplace between 30 to 35 atop the hill at any given point. The Union line was further supported by US Navy gunboats in the river to the south and additional troops on the hill. Battle of Malvern Hill - Lees Plan: To the north of the Union position, the hill sloped down across open space that extended from 800 yards to a mile until reaching the closest tree line. To assess the Union position, Lee met with several of his commanders. While Major General Daniel H. Hill felt that an attack was ill-advised, such an action was encouraged by Major General James Longstreet. Scouting the area, Lee and Longstreet identified two suitable artillery positions that they believed would bring the hill under crossfire and suppress the Union guns. With this done, an infantry assault could move forward. Deploying opposite the Union position, Major General Thomas Stonewall Jacksons command formed the Confederate left, with Hills division in the center astride the Willis Church and Carters Mill Roads. Major General John Magruders division was to form the Confederate right, however it was misled by its guides and was late in arriving. To support this flank, Lee also assigned Major General Benjamin Hugers division to the area as well. The attack was to be led by Brigadier General Lewis A. Armisteads brigade from Hugers Division which was assigned to move forward once the guns had weakened the enemy. Battle of Malvern Hill - A Bloody Debacle: Having devised the plan for the assault, Lee, who was ill, refrained from directing operations and instead delegated the actual fighting to his subordinates. His plan quickly began to unravel when the Confederate artillery, which was strung out back to Glendale, arrived on the field in piecemeal fashion. This was further compounded by confusing orders that were issued by his headquarters. Those Confederate guns that deployed as planned were met with fierce counter-battery fire from Hunts artillery. Firing from 1:00 to 2:30 PM, Hunts men unleashed a massive bombardment that crushed the Confederate artillery. The situation for the Confederates continued to worsen when Armisteads men advanced prematurely around 3:30 PM. This keyed the larger assault as planned with Magruder sending forward two brigades as well. Pushing up the hill, they were met by a maelstrom of case and canister shot from the Union guns as well as heavy fire from the enemy infantry. To aid this advance, Hill began sending troops forward, though refrained from a general advance. As a result, his several small attacks were easily turned back by the Union forces. As the afternoon pressed on, the Confederates continued their assaults with no success. Atop the hill, Porter and Hunt had the luxury of being able to rotate units and batteries as ammunition was expended. Later in the day, the Confederates began attacks towards the western side of the hill where the terrain worked to cover part of their approach. Though they advanced farther than the previous efforts, they too were turned back by the Union guns. The greatest threat came when men from Major General Lafayette McLaws division nearly reached the Union line. Rushing reinforcements to the scene, Porter was able to turn back the attack. Battle of Malvern Hill - Aftermath: As the sun began to set, the fighting died out. During the course of the battle, the Confederates sustained 5,355 casualties while Union forces incurred 3,214. On July 2, McClellan ordered the army to continue its retreat and shifted his men to the Berkeley and Westover Plantations near Harrisons Landing. In assessing the fighting at Malvern Hill, Hill famously commented that: It was not war. It was murder. Though he followed the withdrawing Union troops, Lee was unable to inflict any additional damage. Ensconced in a strong position and backed by the US Navys guns, McClellan began a steady stream of requests for reinforcements. Ultimately deciding that the timid Union commander posed little additional threat to Richmond, Lee began dispatching men north to begin what would become the Second Manassas Campaign. Selected Sources History of War: Battle of Malvern HillBlue Gray Trail: Battle of Malvern HillCWPT: Battle of  Malvern Hill

Monday, October 21, 2019

Compare and Contrast Essay Writing

Compare and Contrast Essay Writing Essay writing as well as writing a compare and contrast essay is always hard work. Students are stumbled with this project without any clear instructions of what to write about and have great difficulties writing a compare and contrast essay. The biggest problem of all is that students have no idea how to write a compare and contrast essay with quality, stay on the compare and contrast essay topic, write the compare and contrast essay outline, etc. If a students sits down to write a compare and contrast essay, the first thing he usually thinks is how am I supposed to write this compare and contrast essay, and what should I write about. How am I supposed to write the compare and contrast essay introduction, and what should be in the compare and contrast essay body. All these questions have a logical explanation. Unfortunately teachers and professors dont spend enough time to explain all the concepts of the compare and contrast essay, and how it should be written. So when you are down to write a compare and contrast essay, you should pick a good topic. In many cases the topic is given by your instructor, but there are times where you have to choose your own compare and contrast essay topic. The process of picking a topic is very hard, as depending on what compare and contrast essay topic you choose you will get the corresponding grade. If you do a compare and contrast essay with ease the professor might think you dont want to put enough efforts in your compare and contrast essay. The first and most important stage of writing a compare and contrast essay is planning. Without planning you wont be able to write a magnificent compare and contrast essay, whereas you would be writing everything that comes to you mind, and in nine out of ten cases these thoughts are not well structured. After you have chosen a good compare and contrast essay topic you should develop a good compare and contrast essay structure. It doesnt matter if it is a school compare and contrast essay, a high school compare and contrast essay, a college compare and contrast essay or even a university compare and contrast essay you still have to dedicate enough time for planning. You should plan every little aspect of your compare and contrast essay, and pay big attention even to the smallest details. The most important part of your compare and contrast essay is to think through everything. So when you are done with the compare and contrast essay structure you can start writing the first draft of your compare and contrast essay according to the compare and contrast essay structure. The first draft NEVER can be your final draft. All students are confused by that, as they think that the first draft is properly written and there is no need to rewrite the whole damn thing again. If you are one of those students you can forget about taking shortcuts with your compare and contrast essay. It has to be well formatted into a proper MLA compare and contrast essay, APA compare and contrast essay, etc, it has to be a proofread and sound compare and contrast essay, so you have to write at least one more version of your compare and contrast essay (comparison essay) Never forget that your compare and contrast essay is your image in the eyes of your professor, so when you prepare compare and contrast essay do it to show how hard you work in his classes, and how you understand everything he says. If you still need qualitative compare and contrast essay help contact us and we will help write it for you.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Biography of Physicist Albert Einstein

Biography of Physicist Albert Einstein Albert Einstein was a theoretical physicist and one of the geniuses of 20th Century physics. His work has helped along our understanding of the universe. He was born and lived much of his life in Germany, before emigrating to the United States in 1933. Growing a Genius When he was five years old, Einsteins father showed him a pocket compass. Young Einstein realized that something in empty space affected the needle. He said the experience was one of the most revelatory of his life.  About a year later, Alberts education began.   Although he was clever and built models and mechanical devices for fun, he was also considered a slow learner. Its possible he was dyslexic, or he may have simply been shy. He was good at mathematics, especially calculus. In 1894, the Einsteins moved to Italy, but Albert stayed in Munich. The following year, he failed an exam which determined whether he could study for a diploma in electrical engineering in Zurich. In 1896, he renounced his German citizenship, not becoming a citizen of any other country until 1901. Also in 1896 he entered the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School in Zurich and trained as a teacher in physics and mathematics. He received his degree in 1900. Einstein worked from 1902 to 1909 as a technical expert at the patent office. During that time, he and  Mileva Maric, a mathematician, had a daughter Lieserl, born in January  1902. (What eventually happened to Lieserl is not know. Its possible she died in infancy or was put up for adoption.) The couple wasnt married until 1903. On May 14, 1904, the couples first son, Hans Albert Einstein was born. During this part of his life, Einstein began writing about theoretical physics. He also earned a doctorate from the University of Zurich in 1905 for a thesis called  On a new determination of molecular dimensions. Developing a Theory of Relativity The first of Albert Einsteins three 1905 papers looked at a phenomenon discovered by Max Planck. Plancks discovery indicating that electromagnetic energy seemed to be emitted from radiating objects in discrete quantities. This energy was directly proportional to the frequency of the radiation. Einsteins paper used Plancks quantum hypothesis for a description of the electromagnetic radiation of light. Einsteins second 1905 paper laid the groundwork for what would eventually become the special theory of relativity. Using a reinterpretation of the classical principle of relativity, which said that the laws of physics had to have the same form in any frame of reference, Einstein proposed that the speed of light remained constant in all frames of reference, as required by Maxwells theory. Later that year, as an extension of his theory of relativity, Einstein showed how mass and energy were equivalent.    Einstein held several jobs from 1905 to 1911, while still developing his theories. In 1912, he began a new phase of research, with the help of mathematician Marcel Grossmann. He called his new work the general relativity theory, which he was able to publish in 1915. It deals with the specifics of space-time theory as well as something called the cosmological constant. In 1914 Einstein became a German citizen and was appointed Director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Physical Institute and Professor at the University of Berlin. The Einsteins divorced on February 14, 1919. Albert then married his cousin Elsa Loewenthal. He received the Nobel Prize in 1921 for his 1905 work on the photoelectric effect.   Fleeing World War II Einstein renounced his citizenship for political reasons and emigrated to the United States in 1935. He became Professor of Theoretical Physics at Princeton University, and a United States citizen in 1940, while retaining his Swiss citizenship. Albert Einstein retired in 1945. In 1952, the Israeli government offered him the post of second president, which he refused. On March 30, 1953, he released a revised unified field theory. Einstein died on April 18, 1955. He was cremated and his ashes were scattered at an undisclosed place. Edited by Carolyn Collins Petersen.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Family Violence Law Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Family Violence Law - Case Study Example This paper analyzes the arguments in favor of and against treating Marcia as guilty. The Case Marcia Norman, 39, and her husband, Mitchell, had been married for 25 years and had several children. Mitchell did not work. He forced Marcia to make money by prostitution, and he made fun of that fact before family and friends. He beat her if she resisted going to a truck stop and offering her body. On a few occasions, he made her eat out of the pets’ bowls and insisted that she bark like a dog. He threatened to kill or maim her numerous times.   Marcia and Mitchell got along very well when he was sober. But early one morning, he was intoxicated when he went to a highway rest area where Marcia was prostituting herself and assaulted her. He continued beating her all day after they got home. She called the police and was told to come in and file a complaint, but she was afraid that he would kill her if she had him arrested. She ingested a bottle of pills, then panicked and called EMS . Her husband cursed her as the paramedics treated her and urged them to let her die. After they left, Mitchell continued to slap, kick and throw objects at Marcia. At one point, he put a cigarette out on her upper torso, causing a small burn. After he fell asleep, Marcia took their baby to her mother’s so that she would not wake him, returned with a pistol and killed him.   At trial, Marcia pleads self-defense, which is defined as â€Å"the necessity, real or reasonably apparent, of killing an unlawful aggressor to save oneself from imminent death or great bodily harm† (Given Case). When we consider the case North Carolina v. Judy Ann Laws Norman, we can argue that Marcia is not guilty even though she killed her sleeping husband. Judy Norman suffered a lot from the hands of her husband. Her husband forced her into prostitution and when opposed, she suffered a great deal of physical and psychological abuse from her husband. It was difficult for her to defend herself when she and her husband were in a physical encounter. So she killed him while he was sleeping. â€Å"A three judge panel of the intermediate appellate court, in a unanimous opinion held that there was sufficient evidence to support a charge of reasonable self-defense† (Angel 21). The above verdict is applicable in the case of Marcia also. She had no other way to escape from the brutalities of her husband. It should be noted that Mitchel (husband), disrespected her individuality and identity and forced her to live in accordance with the guidelines given by him. He used his physical and domineering strength to attack her both physically and mentally. Mitchel was denying Marcia the right to live on an equitable level as him. If Marcia had failed to kill him, he would have killed her. Using the â€Å"Self-Defense† argument could be a reasonable defense within this case. Under these circumstances, Marcia can argue that she tried to save her life from a certain death. Accor ding to U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito â€Å"self-defense is a basic right, recognized by many legal systems from ancient times to the present† (Killing in Self-Defense). â€Å"The general criminal law allows for the use of deadly force anytime a faultless victim reasonably believes that unlawful force which will cause death or grievous bodily harm is about to be used on him†(Hobart). Marcia believes that her life is in danger and her husband may kill her at any time. It is reasonable for Marcia

Friday, October 18, 2019

Chapter2 (US Foriegn Policy) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Chapter2 (US Foriegn Policy) - Essay Example The  U.S.A’s â€Å"Secretary of State†Ã‚  is officially the  foreign minister  and is in charge of handling all foreign relationships with other countries of the world. Despite the fact that the  president  possesses vital authority for deciding upon the foreign policy for US, the policy is embedded with certain guidelines and unchangeable fixtures which define the  national interest along with certain policies towards other countries, regional blocks and America’s own interests in the affairs of other countries. The policy is altered with respect to certain emerging conditions such as that of 9-11 situation after which the American foreign policy towards the Muslim world, especially the Middle East Block drastically moved towards new paradigms (Rahman, 2002). United States has battled for absolute supremacy since World War II and it has been somewhat successful in its aim. Middle East has been in the eyes of US interests and a part of its foreign pol icy since number of years. The first epoch of determining and shaping US policy interests in the region initiated after World War II during 1945 till 1973. Basic US interests were to have a free access to oil reserves and build relationships with major countries of the Middle East. As a part of its policy it also included to protect Israel’s regime after the Arab-Israel War of 1948. The second phase of US policy’s were defined in 1973-74 because of the Arab oil embargo of 1973 which caused to a oil price hike and economic recessions in major parts of the world. As a result of this, US had to re-examine its policies and make different problem solving approach to handle the situation. The approaches that were deployed as a part of US foreign policy were to increase the dependence of oil exporting countries by protecting them and increasing the arm sales to those countries. Orientalism was a part of US problem solving approach during that era and further it tried to preve nt Soviet Union to take part in affairs of the region since it was a counterpart to US at the time. The Islamic revolution of Iran in 1979 marked the third stage of reshaping the US policies in the Middle East. The revolution was considered as a terrible threat to US interests since it gave rapid rise to anti-Americanism among the Muslim countries and kept the oil prices soaring. This called for a new thinking as the traditional policies of Orientalism were not appreciated. The Orientalism theory was based on Western cooperation with the authoritarian Middle East regimes which were corrupt and rich which sparked a growing feeling of alienation among the minor countries of the Middle East (Sadowsaki, 1993). During the phase, US continually struggled to establish peace among the Arab–Israel Countries and at the same time it aimed to have a steady supply of oil at reasonable prices. The fourth and major phases of US foreign pol

Personal statement For Bachelor of Nursing Essay

Personal statement For Bachelor of Nursing - Essay Example I consider myself as a creative, bold, confident, determinant and ambitious individual along with a presentable personality. I have sound nursing and interpersonal skills as I always perform my duty and task with full integrity and devotion. There are some domains in which I possess command and expertise. They are Patient’s behavior analysis, General Physician Consultancy, Medical report analysis, and Performing diagnostic tests. As my academic reports are illustrating my interest in the pious filed of Nursing, so I have decided to continue my dedication and devotion towards it. I have decided to precede my educational and professional experience up to such an extent where I can help humanity at my best. In this era of exclusive technology and inventions, I need to upgrade myself and need to keep pace with the profession, so a scholarship for higher studies will definitely help me to sharpen my skills. I feel that after a scholarship I can serve humanity at my best because â€Å"Serving humanity is to serving

South africa Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

South africa - Essay Example The companies’ efforts were however met with government’s counter strategies to maintain the practice of apartheid. Caltex, owned jointly by Texaco and SoCal is one example of foreign company operating in South Africa whose shareholders on many occasions tried hard to pass resolutions that were anti apartheid. This paper seeks to highlight Caltex, its conception in the South African market, its operations and how it affected the growth or downfall of the practice of apartheid. First we consider whether the entry of Caltex in South Africa empowered apartheid. Whether or not the utilitarian benefits of Caltex’s operations stood above the moral rights and justice violations that its presence seemed to propagate. In 1975 Caltex sought to expand its investment in South Africa. The expansion could cost $135 million, increase south Africa’s refining capacity by 11% and it promised a return on interest of about 20% i.e. approximately $27 million annually. In essence, a Return on Interest of $27 million annually, had a strong utilitarian benefit. After all Caltex is a profit making company and profit making is the major focus. However, this expansion would consequently strengthen the economy of the very government that was steadfast at maintaining apartheid as its legal policy. A strong economy meant a strong government and thus widespread apartheid. The commitment that Caltex later showed to the plight of their black employees is another utilitarian benefit that requires consideration. They moved 40% of their black workers to refinery jobs initially held by whites and they moved a total of 29 to the topmost four of the white collar and skilled job categories. Even though most blacks remained in the lower job categories, Caltex had at least shown their commitment to eradicating apartheid. The utilitarian benefits of Caltex presenting better working conditions

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Can obesity explain personality Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Can obesity explain personality - Research Paper Example This essay will discuss obesity as one of the health disorders and its relation to personality. Stress is a sense of depression that a majority of individuals encounter on a daily basis based on disappointment or pressure. Stress can neither be avoided nor prevented; instead it can be controlled. On the other hand, health refers to a state of physiological well-being. Therefore, unhealthiness is caused by weak immune systems triggered by poor body maintenance (Mayer, 2004). Stress is experienced by everyone, from children to adults. It can either be helpful or harmful depending on its management. It is also beneficial in the sense that it can enable an individual to develop skills needed to cope with in dangerous situations. However, when stress goes beyond these limits, it becomes a tragedy, and its consequences are unpredictably hazardous. Getting medical care and support can significantly assist in minimizing the effects of the stress, which is a significant cause of obesity in the society (Stellmann, 2002). According to research, majority of the obese individuals react strongly by exhibiting strong emotions such as anger, sadness, misery, disappointment and hopelessness. When the symptoms of stress are prolonged, it can lead to pervasion and inability to cope with obesity. As stipulated above, health refers to a state of social, mental and physical well-being. Mental health refers to being in the right spiritual mood, which is extremely vital for survival. Mental health is tricky to manage since it cannot be diagnosed physically. It also plays a crucial role in the fitness and well-being of an individual. On the other hand, obesity affects the mental health of a person. Mental health is extremely significant as it can be felt by the entire body of a human. People have to maintain mental health in order to survive. Such a case applies to obese individuals as a poor personality will reduce their survival chances. The personality of

DRUG TRAFFICKING AND ORGANISED CRIME,the government's (categorisation Dissertation

DRUG TRAFFICKING AND ORGANISED CRIME,the government's (categorisation and attitude) perception towards drugs and the impact i - Dissertation Example Various studies revealed that nearly two-thirds of the organised crime groups primarily deal in drugs, though there are instances where some of these gang syndicates have expanded into other illicit and financially lucrative activities like human trafficking. The UK drug networking is not confined to the major city centres but has now expanded to spread it tentacles into the small towns, which, researches show is directly proportional to the increase in serious violence. Indeed, the basic feature of this of drug based organised criminal syndicate is not simply in the nature of its illegality but the perpetual willingness to use violent means protect and earn more profits. This article will study to find how the government and law enforcement agencies view and work to counter this extensive network of criminality that reaches into every community. Much of the criminology studies and the criminal laws tend to focus on the criminal activities perpetuated by individuals, owing to the fact that generally individual criminals are apprehended and sent for prosecution, even though they may actually be a part of a larger criminal gang. However, in the recent years we find that there is a growing interest amongst experts towards studying the structure of various criminal organisations that consist of a group of individuals come together to commit crimes, which are financially lucrative. UNDFOC which is major organisation fighting against this rising menace claims in its website that â€Å"Transnational organized crime is considered as one of the major threats to human security, impeding the social, economic, political and cultural development of societies worldwide. It is a multi-faceted phenomenon and has manifested itself in different activities, among others, drug trafficking, trafficking in human beings; trafficking in firearms; smuggling of migrants; money laundering; etc. In particular drug trafficking is one of the main activities of organized crime groups, generating enormous profits.  UNODC works closely with Governments, international organizations and civil society to strengthen cooperation to counter the pervasive influence of organized crime and drug trafficking†(UNODC and organized crime, 2011). This type of organised crime has spread very fast in almost all spheres of criminal activities, especially in the areas, which are highly profitable i n nature like human trafficking for sexual exploitation, various forms of cyber crimes, and drug trafficking, amongst many others (Fiorentini, & Peltzman, 1995). Organised crime comprises of â€Å"organised violence; heroin and other drug trafficking; organised immigration crime; non-fiscal and fiscal fraud; firearms offences; road freight crime; theft of vehicles for profit or to facilitate other crime; robbery of cash and valuables in transit; and intellectual property crime† (Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary –getting organised, 2009, 6). Perpetrators of the organised criminal activities always function with the primary motive of procuring huge profits (Reuter, &

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Can obesity explain personality Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Can obesity explain personality - Research Paper Example This essay will discuss obesity as one of the health disorders and its relation to personality. Stress is a sense of depression that a majority of individuals encounter on a daily basis based on disappointment or pressure. Stress can neither be avoided nor prevented; instead it can be controlled. On the other hand, health refers to a state of physiological well-being. Therefore, unhealthiness is caused by weak immune systems triggered by poor body maintenance (Mayer, 2004). Stress is experienced by everyone, from children to adults. It can either be helpful or harmful depending on its management. It is also beneficial in the sense that it can enable an individual to develop skills needed to cope with in dangerous situations. However, when stress goes beyond these limits, it becomes a tragedy, and its consequences are unpredictably hazardous. Getting medical care and support can significantly assist in minimizing the effects of the stress, which is a significant cause of obesity in the society (Stellmann, 2002). According to research, majority of the obese individuals react strongly by exhibiting strong emotions such as anger, sadness, misery, disappointment and hopelessness. When the symptoms of stress are prolonged, it can lead to pervasion and inability to cope with obesity. As stipulated above, health refers to a state of social, mental and physical well-being. Mental health refers to being in the right spiritual mood, which is extremely vital for survival. Mental health is tricky to manage since it cannot be diagnosed physically. It also plays a crucial role in the fitness and well-being of an individual. On the other hand, obesity affects the mental health of a person. Mental health is extremely significant as it can be felt by the entire body of a human. People have to maintain mental health in order to survive. Such a case applies to obese individuals as a poor personality will reduce their survival chances. The personality of

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Specifications & Documentations Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Specifications & Documentations - Research Paper Example The requirements of the project ought to contain the main objectives that are described in details and are precise (Demetrovics, Knuth & Rado, 2005). The requirements of a project are competent of presenting an original tool for the severe evaluation of the quality of the project. This is because; the final review of the project must be capable of showing a clear and precise requirement. Unfortunately, the idea of meeting all the requirements in a project does not ensure that the project will meet the required quality. Therefore, there is the implementation of a clear outline of the specifications that the project can use to achieve the right quality of the product (Duenas, 2006). Categorization of the Requirements For the computer project to be effective and be capable of implementation of a given set of task, then a requirement which is essential and is of the most priority is categorized. The categorization of the requirements needed for the project include the input devices as we ll as the output devices. There is also the category of usability and performance. Similarly, there is categorization of the requirement of target platform parameters and also the scalability categorization. They include the user requirements. This requirement category describes the chief needs and the goals of the user. This user requirement is often carried out at the end of the task analysis. This is because the user is capable of examining the final goals the project has been able to meet without many complications (Duenas, 2006). The second category of the requirement is the system requirement. This requirement has more than one meaning, first, it can mean the capability of the system with which, and also on which and moreover through which a given product is... The paper tells that there are a variety of system models which the computer system has. There is the data processing model. This model shows how the system data undergoes processing at various stages of the process. Second, there is the model called the composition model. This model shows how the system entities are chiefly made up of other minor entities. Third, there is the system modem called the architectural model. This model displays the system principal sub systems. Fourthly, there is the classification model. This model shows how the entities have a common and similar characteristic. Finally, there is the model called the stimulus or the response model. This final model displays the system’s reaction to the major event of the system. Additionally, there is the semantic data model. This model describes the chief logicality of the structured data that is to be processed by the system. The model further sets out the main entities of the system and their relations to each other. Moreover, it sets the distinction between the chief relationship of the entities and of the entity attributes of the system. The semantic model is further utilized in the designing of the database. This can easily be capable of the implementation of using the relational databases. Eventually, there is no given specific notation that the model provides for the association of the system. The system model processing involves the process called the process model of the system. This process model displays the overall processing and also the procedures that the system supports.